About us

    Reginella I started to work at fourteen yars old,
    selected in a famous factory near Milan ( Italy ),
    instructed by the wife of the owner, the sculptor
    Luigi Volontè.
    I continued alone and now I sell also in the Middle East,
    where the taste of the hand painted is a cultural
    common denominator.
    The most part of my painting is on china, but also
    the wood , the glass and piece of pottery make

    a support to my art.
    Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us for any
    further information you need and we will be pleased
    give you more details.

Brusaferri Regina
Via Salvo D' Acquisto,3 26855
Lodi Vecchio (Lodi) Italy
telefono +39 0371/464110 - fax +39 0371/752058

e mail: reginelladecor@tiscalinet.it
Partita.iva : 09532790152